The Illinois Board Of Cosmetology is in charge of enforcing laws and regulations through inspections, investigation into complaints submitted by consumers and conducts hearings, imposes penalties and enforces actions when they deem necessary. Through education and the enforcement of the cosmetology laws in IL, the state board ensures the safety, welfare and public health by regulating the salons, schools and individuals who practice cosmetology. The list of the board members who are part of the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation are listed below:

State Board Members

Member Location
Thomas P. Lawler Wood Dale
Jennifer Alagna Bartlett
Tiffany D. Boyer Decatur
Pamela A. DeBernardi Centralia
Patricia L. Seil Homer Glen
Gregory W. Skipper Broadview
Donald D. Ulm Macomb
Oumou Wague Blue Island
Sandra L. Gay Pekin
Shari Finger Algonquin
Antoinette D. Wright
(Public Member)

They also issue licenses for to individuals who qualify for reciprocity or through the state boards administration of a written and practical examination to schools and salons. To find out how to apply for a new license, renew an existing one or find out how many hours for cosmetology license in Illinois, check out the Illinois Cosmetology License page for additional information. The list of categories the state board issues licenses for are below:

  • Available License Categories
  • Cosmetologists
  • Barbers
  • Estheticians
  • Hair Braiders
  • Nail Technicians
  • Cosmetology Teachers
  • Cosmetology Clinic Teachers
  • Barber Teachers
  • Esthetics Teachers
  • Esthetics Clinic Teachers
  • Hair Braiding Teachers
  • Nail Technology Teachers
  • Nail Technology Clinic Teachers

If you need to obtain a cosmetology license, renew an existing one, or want to open up a salon or go to school, then in most cases there are fees involved. We list all available fees for this state below. We recommend to call the Illinois State Board Of Cosmetology if you cannot find the fee information you are looking for below, or if you need to know how to pay your fees and what type of payments they accept.

Cosmetologists, Barbers, Estheticians, Hair Braiders, Nail Technicians, Cosmetology Teachers, Cosmetology Clinic Teachers, Barber Teachers, Esthetics Teachers, Esthetics Clinic Teachers, Hair Braiding Teachers, Nail Technology Teachers and Nail Technology Clinic Teachers
Application $30
Renewal $25 per year
Restoration $50 + payment of all lapsed renewal fees
Endorsement $45
Cosmetology Schools, Barber Schools, Esthetics Schools, Hair Braiding Schools and Nail Technology Schools
License $150 + the cost of inspection $50
Change of Ownership $150 + cost of inspection $50
Change of Location $150 + cost of inspection $50
Change of Name $20
Renewal $100 per year
Expansion $50
Cosmetology School Approval to Teach Esthetics Cost of inspection $50
Cosmetology School Approval to Teach Nail Technology Cost of inspection $50
Cosmetology School Approval to Teach Hair Braiding Cost of inspection $50
Cosmetology School Approval to Teach Barbering Cost of inspection $50
Salon Fees (Barber Shop, Cosmetology, Nail Technician, Hair Braiding or Esthetics Salon)
Registration $40
Change of name $20
Renewal $20 per year
Sponsor Fees
Registration continuing education sponsor $500
Renewal $250 every two years ($500 if lapsed)
General Fees


Change of name or address


Certification of record


Illinois Cosmetology License Lookup

If you are planning to setup an appointment with a local salon, it is recommended that you first verify the professional or business license. You can do that online for the state of Illinois by visiting From there you can search for the person or business and see if there are any disciplinary actions on record. This will allow you to make an informed decision about the person and or business providing your service.

Filing a Complaint

Part of the duties of the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation is receiving and investigating consumer complaints involving unlawful acts which may include:

  • False advertisement
  • Violations of health
  • Deceptive statements
  • Sanitation regulations
  • Unlicensed person
  • Malpractice or incompetence

If you feel like you have experienced one of these issues listed above, or have information about a specific incident, then you would need to submit your complaint. If you have issues or questions about the complaint process outlined below, then it is recommended you contact the state board for assistance.

Complaints against any individual or entity regulated by the Division of Professional Regulation may be filed by contacting the Complaint Intake Unit. Please note: Pursuant to Illinois law (20 ILCS 2105/2105-117), all information collected by the Department during an examination or investigation of a licensee, registrant, or applicant is confidential and cannot be publicly disclosed. This includes complaints and any information collected during an investigation. Exceptions to this law exist only for law enforcement, other regulatory agencies with appropriate regulatory interest, or a party presenting a lawful subpoena. You can either file your complaint online, or you can download a copy and mail it in.

Mailing Address for the IDFPR Complaint Intake Unit:

Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
Division of Professional Regulation
Complaint Intake Unit
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 9-300
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-814-6910

Here are some tips on preparing your complaint. Make a list of things you want to say. Try your best to separate your feelings from the facts. Present the events in the order of which they happened, use dates and times if possible. When submitting your complaint, please make sure to provide copies of documents, for example contracts, letters, advertisements, sakes slips, cancelled checks, warranties and any other documentation that can support your claim. Only provide copies, keep the original copies for your own record. Please remember, the complaint should describe the event or practice which misled you. If you can, please also state why the practice was misleading.

If you still have questions or issues about your complaint or about cosmetology, then use the contact information listed below. We provide the Illinois Board Of Cosmetology phone number, office address and how to access their departments website.

The contact information listed on this page is for the Springfield Office. The Illinois Department of Professional Regulation also has a Chicago Office, their location is:

Chicago Office 100 West Randolph 9th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
All Inquiries 888-473-4858
Professional Licensing 800-560-6420
TTY 866-325-4949
International 312-281-0341
  • State Board Office Location
  • Illinois Department of Professional Regulation
    320 West Washington Street 3rd Floor
    Springfield, IL 62786

  • State Board Office Phone
  • You can reach the office by calling the Illinois State Board of Cosmetology phone number 800-560-6420 or 888-473-4858. Their fax number is 217-782-7645.

  • State Board Website
  • You can acccess the Illinois state board online by going to