This page provides information for Mississippi license requirements including how to apply for a new license, renew an existing one, reactivate an expired license and Mississippi license reciprocity for when you need to transfer a license to this state or out of state. If available, we provide other useful information such as cosmetology school hours requirements, how to apply for additional license for professions like manicurists, nail technicians, instructors etc. If you did not find the answer you were looking for on this page or if you have questions or issues pertaining to cosmetology, then we recommend you contact the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology.
Mississippi Cosmetology License Verification
If you need to verify a license for a salon or person, then you can call the Mississippi Board of Cosmetology at 601-359-1820 and requesting to see if their license is valid and if there are any disciplinary actions on record. The phone number is listed at the bottom of this page. This will allow you to make an informed decision about the person and or business providing your service.
Licensing Requirements for Cosmetology, Manicuring, Esthetics, Wigology
Any individual desiring to practice within the profession in Mississippi, must complete a course of training in an institution licensed by this Board or the Board of another state, and must meet the minimum qualifications for licensure as set forth by law. There are three methods of licensure:
- Licensure by Examination: training received in state
- Licensure by Examination: training received out of state
- Licensure by Reciprocity: training and licensure received out of state
Requirements for licensure by examination. Training received in state are:
- Must be at least 17 years of age
- Must be able to read, write and speak English
- Must have a high school education of its equivalent
Licenses are mailed 6-8 weeks from the date of qualification. The qualification date for renewals is the date the correct fee, renewal form and passport photo is received in the Board office, for new practitioners it is the date the correct fee, examination results and passport photo are received. For new salons, it is the date the approval was received from the inspector.
Changing Name or Address on License
You may change your name or address at the time of license renewal simply by making the correction on the renewal form.
If you are paying by check, cashiers check or money then make it payable to:
The Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology. For applications or renewal requests by mail, the address is:
Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology
PO Box 55689
Jackson, MS 39296-5689.
Each state has different licensing requirements and procedures. You will need to contact the board office of the state to which you are moving and request their information and procedures. You will probably be required to get an affidavit or certification of your training and license record from Mississippi. The Mississippi affidavit processing fee is $15.
Mississippi Cosmetology School Hours
Type | Requirements |
Cosmetologist License | 1500 Hours (at Least 9 Months) |
Barber License | 1500 Hours |
Esthetician License | 600 Hours (at Least 15 Weeks) |
Nail Technician License | 350 Hours (at Least 9 Weeks) |
Cosmetology Instructor License | Cosmetology License + 12 College Semester Hours Approved By Board + 750 Hours For Applicants With 2+ Years Work Experience Or 2,000 Hours For Applicants With Less Than 2 Years Experience |
Esthetics Instructor License | Esthetician License + 600 Hours For Applicants With 2+ Years Work Experience Or 1,000 Hours For Applicants With Less Than 2 Years Experience. |
Massage Therapist License | 700 Hours |
Mississippi Duplicate License Request
A request for duplicate license shall be submitted in writing, via the duplicate license form provided by the Board, to the Board office. Applicants for a duplicate license shall submit two forms of identification. Acceptable forms of identification may be driver's license, government issued ID card, Social Security card, school ID card with photograph, voter registration card, US military card, Native American tribal document, birth certificate, passport, certificate of US citizenship, certificate of naturalization, valid (unexpired) temporary resident card or employment authorization card.
All applications and supporting documents must be submitted two weeks prior to a Board meeting. Application will be reviewed for consideration by the Board. Upon review, the applicant will be notified of the Board's decision. Only one duplicate license shall be issued during a licensing period, unless extenuating circumstances are presented for which an appearance, may be requested.
Licensee who has a duplicate license posted, shall make his or her government photo identification available upon request. Failure to provide government identification, when requested by an agent of the Board shall result in the issuance of a citation for violation to the practitioner, owner and/or manager of the establishment.
Outdated Mississippi License
Any person who has been licensed in this state, and whose license has expired for a period of three years must make application for approval for written and practical examination. The application for examination must be submitted on a form prescribed by the Board and must be accompanied by:
- Two recent passport photographs of the applicant, taken prior to application
- Record of last renewal, including registration number, and date of expiration
General provisions for Licensure by Examination
Licensure examinations are provided for in-state and out-of-state applicants for practitioner and instructor licenses. An examination for any practitioner or instructor license is both practical and written. The applicant must demonstrate by practical examination, minimal skills and knowledge necessary for the license sought. The applicant must demonstrate by written examination, knowledge of profession, health and safety methods and procedures, Mississippi Statutes, rules and regulations pertinent to the practice necessary for the license. Grades necessary to pass the examination:
- Basic Examinations (Practitioner): A person taking the Board of Cosmetology examination will be granted a license to practice if such person makes an examination grade of not less than 70 scaled score on each portion of the practical examination, and not less than 70 scaled score on the written examination
- Instructor Examination: A person taking the Board of Cosmetology Instructor examination will be granted an instructor's license if such person makes an examination grade of not less than 75 scaled score on each portion of the practical examination, and not less than 75 scaled score on the written examination
Any applicant failing to pass the required examination after three attempts within 365 days of school completion is not eligible for re-examination until he or she has returned to a school for additional training of no more than 10 percent of the prescribed course hours for the course of training for which application for licensure is being made.
A candidate for licensure who has been unsuccessful in passing the examination is required to retake the entire practical examination or written examination which was failed, up to a period of three years. After three years, the grades are no longer valid and the candidate is required to take the both written and practical examinations. The Board will maintain an accurate record of each examination as provided by the testing administrator.
Reasonable accommodations may be made for candidates having a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. An applicant's request for accommodation should be made to the test provider at the time of registration.
Examination for In-State ApplicantsEligibility requirements for practitioner (Cosmetologists, manicurists, and estheticians) must:
- Be at least 17 years of age
- Be able to read, write and speak English
- Have at least a twelfth grade education or its equivalent
- Proof of completion of high school education shall be submitted in the form of a diploma, or certified transcript which reflects graduation data. If the education was acquired by GED, original GED transcript must be submitted to the Board
- Where the secondary education was obtained outside of the US, the applicant must present a copy of the proof of completion, along with an original translation which has been prepared by an approved translation or credentialing service, and which certifies that the document is considered to be proof of the equivalent of a 12th grade education
- A high school education received from a distance learning entity will only be accepted if that entity is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education
- Any other document and/or affidavit which constitutes reliable proof of completion of high school education shall be required by the Board
- Must have successfully completed a course of training for which application for licensure is being made
An application for examination must be submitted on a form prescribed by the board and accompanied by the following:
- Two recent passport photographs of the applicant, taken within 90 days prior to application
- In the event of a name change, legal proof of the name change
- Eligibility Requirements for Instructor
Eligibility requirements that must be met in order to take the examination:
- Must be at least 21 years of age
- Must be able to read, write and speak English
- Must possess a high school education or its equivalency
- Must possess a current Mississippi practitioner's license
- Must have completed six semester hours in college courses approved by the Board
- Must have successfully completed a course of training for which application for licensure is being made
- Must have the following hours of instructor training
- Cosmetologist – 1,000 hours of instructor training in a licensed school of cosmetology
- Esthetician – 1,000 hours of instructor training in a licensed school in which the practice of esthetics is taught
- Manicurist – 1,000 hours of instructor training in a licensed school in which the practice of manicuring is taught
- Must have attended at least one mandatory Board approved Methods of Teaching Seminar earning a minimum of five continuing education hours
Eligibility Requirements for Examination (Practitioner). Any person who is licensed by a state in which Mississippi does not have provision for reciprocity licensure, or any student who is at least seventeen years of age, can read, write, and speak English, and has successfully completed a course of training in another state which meets Mississippi's minimum requirements, but is not licensed in that state, may be eligible for licensure by examination.
The State's minimum requirements are:
Type | Hours |
Cosmetologist | 1500 |
Manicurist | 350 |
Esthetician | 600 |
The required documentation includes notifications of intent, affidavit/certification of training, and affidavit/certification of current licensure.
- Notification of Intent. The form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology
- The affidavit/certification of training. An affidavit or certification of the applicant's course of training must be submitted to the Board office by the board in the state in which the training was acquired. The affidavit/certification of training should contain, at a minimum:
- Applicant's name and address
- Applicant's Registration Number or license identification number (if applicable)
- The course in which applicant was enrolled
- Total clock hours earned
- Date of completion or last attendance (Non-licensed individuals only)
- Information regarding current license (if applicable), including expiration date and whether the licensee is in good standing
- The affidavit/certification of licensure. The applicant must cause an affidavit/certification of licensure to be issued by the board in which the license is held
If the state in which the applicant is currently licensed is also the state in which the training was acquired, then only one affidavit is required. Otherwise, the applicant must obtain two affidavits. The affidavits/certifications must be mailed directly to the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology by the licensing authority, bear the seal-impress of the licensing authority, and bear at least one signature of an official of the licensing authority.
In the event the information cannot be provided by the licensing authority, it may be obtained from the attended school. In this case, the attended school must submit the information directly to the Board. The information must:
- Be submitted in an envelope bearing the attended school's letterhead
- Bear the seal impress of the school, and
- Be certified by an agent of the attended school. The Board reserves the right to deny Certification of Training submitted by a school if it is determined that the information can be provided by the appropriate licensing authority
Appear for an Application Eligibility Interview
Upon receipt of a completed Application of Intent and Affidavit/Certification of Training, which meets the examination requirements for Mississippi, the applicant is scheduled for an interview, and notified of the date and time. The applicant must present the following documents at the time of the interview:
- Photographic identification
Applicant must present two current passport photographs to be attached to his or her application for approval for examination. The person who is making application for approval for examination must be recognizable in the photograph. Applicant must present a government-issued photographic identification card which contains the applicant's signature and date of birth. In the event of a name change, legal proof of the change must be presented.
Two additional forms of identification must be presented by the applicant. In the event of a name change, legal proof of the change must be presented. Any applicant who uses or proposes to use a specific device in any practice area of discipline must present the required certification of proficiency from Mississippi or another state attesting to proper training in the use of the instrument. The applicant will be interviewed to determine his or her eligibility to apply for approval for examination. The following determinations will be made:
- The applicant is at least 17 years of age
- The applicant is able to read, write and speak English
- The applicant has a 12th grade education or its equivalent. The applicant must present, at the time of the interview, acceptable documentation evidencing completion of the 12th grade, or its equivalent. Where the secondary education was obtained outside of the US, the applicant must present a copy of the proof of completion, along with an original translation which has been prepared by an approved translation or credentialing service, and which certifies that the document is considered to be the equivalent of a 12th grade education
Additional information may be required if it has been determined, or there is reason to believe that a candidate for examination has completed high school under one or more of the following circumstances:
- The institution is not accredited by the Department of Education in the relevant state
- The institution is not accredited by a recognized proprietary school accrediting association
- The candidate may have completed a self-study course
- The candidate will not be considered to have a 12th grade education or its equivalent if it is determined that one or more of the following circumstances exist:
- The institution from which the diploma or transcript was acquired is not sanctioned or accredited by a state supported educational credentialing entity or
- The candidate completed a self-study program in which progress examinations and final examinations were not physically supervised by one or more staff members of the institution or a recognized examination administration/proctor service
If an applicant fails to present evidence satisfactory to prove that all requirements for approval for examination have been met, he or she will be advised that the application of intent will be rejected, and the reason for the same. The applicant will be advised, in writing, of the right to a show cause hearing before the Board. If the applicant is deemed to meet all examination eligibility requirements, he or she will be required to submit an out-of-state Application for Approval for Examination, which must be completed in its entirety.
To view additional forms and documents for Mississippi licenses, click here.