This page provides a list of cities that have Delaware nail salon locations. Select any of the cities listed below to view all salons found in that city. We provide the salons address, phone number, hours of operations, and if available, what services they provide. Before visiting a nail salon in Delaware, it is recommended that you first verify the license of the business. To verify an DE salon license visit If you do find the license, you can see if any disciplinary actions are on record. This allows you to make a more informed decision on what person or business you want to provide service for you.
If you do end up visiting a salon in Delaware, make sure the person providing service holds the proper license. If the type of license is for a cosmetologist or nail technician, then they should be required to have it displayed in public view. You can also request to see their license. If they refuse to talk about their license or won't show it, then that is an immediate red flag. It could mean the person is not licensed to perform the service.
If you already visited a salon and something happened to where you want to file a complaint, then you can do so through the Delaware State Board of Cosmetology. In most cases the board offers a way to file the complaint either online or by downloading a complaint form, filling it out and then mailing it in.
Delaware Nail Salon Cities
Salon Consumer Tip
The price list for all services must be posted in a conspicuous place in the salon. No salon may use any advertising which is misleading or inaccurate or misrepresent any materials or services, terms, values or policies. Check for "a la carte" pricing. Many manicuring services are offered "a la carte" (i.e., application of nail strengthener or moisturizer may be an additional charge over the price of the basic manicure). Tell the manicurist what you want and ask what it will cost before having the manicure completed.