It appears we could not find a cosmetology school in Puryear Tennessee. We went ahead and searched for beauty schools near Puryear in TN and listed them below. We provide the contact information and the address for each school listed on this page. We recommend that you research multiple schools to see if they offer the program you are looking to get into including nail technician, manicurist, barber, tattoos, hairstyle etc. You should also research the schools online to see how they rank with other cosmetology schools in Tennessee, see what current students say about the college and how well students who graduated did with finding a job after finishing school.

If you have a small budget, then it is important to research the schools scholarship program and financial aid to see if you qualify for assistance that can help off set the cost. Don't forget to look at the cost for books and any other supplies the school may require for the program you are looking to major in. Once you find the preliminary information and have a top 10 list of schools, you should then contact the schools directly and ask for additional information. Most TN cosmetology schools should be able to provide items like brochures and in some cases, videos that show more about the school. Request a campus tour so you can get the feel of the college, which is important to feel comfortable with the school you end up choosing. If you did not find a school on this page and are ok with attending a out of state school, then view a list of cosmetology schools in other states.

Puryear Beauty Schools

Nestle Beauty School

210 N Brewer St
Paris, TN 38242
Distance: 9.9 Miles

View Details | View Map

Cosmetology Beauty School Tip

Job placement potential. When a person is serious about a career in cosmetology, it is vital to choose a school with a high job placement rate. A good school prepares students for a successful career. A better school helps students apply learned skills and connects them with employment and continuing education opportunities.