This page provides a list of cosmetology schools in Idaho. Select any of the cities shown below to view all beauty schools located in that city. We provide the schools address and contact information. It's recommended that you take a look at more than just one school. Create a top 10 Idaho school list and do research on each cosmetology school. Read online reviews from students who previously attended, see how the school ranks compared to other Idaho colleges and the success rate of students graduating and finding jobs. Make sure that whatever field you plan to go into, such as tattoo artist, hairdresser, barber, manicurist, aesthetician etc, that the school has the proper tools and top notch teachers.
Call or email the ID beauty colleges that you picked and ask for additional information such as brochures or any other documents or media that helps you get a better idea what each school has to offer. If you really like a school, ask for a visit and have them walk you through the campus to see it in person. If you don't have the money, see what type of financial aid they have available and if you have a chance to qualify. The key is to find a school that gives you the best opportunity to succeed while attending and where you feel the most comfortable, but also the best chance of landing a good career after graduating in the field you are going into. If you can't find a cosmetology school in Idaho that fits your needs and you are willing to look out of state, then take a look at other state beauty colleges.
Idaho Beauty School Cities
Cosmetology Beauty School Tip
Practice makes perfect. Cosmetology is not a skill that can be mastered by reading books. To score well in assessments, students must practice their craft. They can do this by using mannequin heads or asking friends or family members to be their models. Other students may also be willing to be models if the student agrees to be their model in return. An excellent way to gain experience is to find an internship at a local salon. Some cosmetology schools have their own salons where they allow their students to practice on real clients.