We provide a list of cosmetology schools in El Paso Texas. For each college listed, we provide the address and contact information. Select one of the El Paso beauty colleges below to view their details. We understand choosing the right school can be difficult, so we recommend that you look at more than just one school. Make a list of the best El Paso cosmetology schools in TX. Then go online and research each school, see what the students who are currently going are saying and what the students who graduating are saying. Did the school you are looking at help them find a career after they finished? See how each Texas beauty colleges ranks against one another. Contact each one that you are interested in either by email or by phone and request additional information. In most cases the colleges would be able to send you a brochure and or even videos that can better describe what the college has to offer.

Once you get it down to your top 2 or 3 schools, try asking them if you can come on campus and take a look. It is important to feel comfortable at the cosmetology school you want to go to. Research the teachers and staff and make sure there aren't complaints. See what the success rate is, including the graduation rate of students finding jobs in the area you want to get into, either manicurist, nail technician, barber, hairstylist etc. Also, if you need to, check out their financial aid department to see if there are opportunities to offset the cost of attending a beauty college in El Paso TX. It is important to take the time to make sure you pick the right college for the career you are looking for. If you do not see any colleges you like in Texas, then if you are ok with going to an out of state college, check out other cosmetology schools in other states.

El Paso Beauty Schools

Aladdin Beauty Colleges Inc

6560 Montana Ave # L
El Paso, TX 79925

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Pipo Academy of Hair Design

3000 Pershing Dr
El Paso, TX 79903

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Tri State Cosmetology Institute

6800 Gateway Blvd E, #4A
El Paso, TX 79915

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Tri State Cosmetology Institute

3910 Doniphan, Suite E
El Paso, TX 79922

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Cosmetology Beauty School Tip

Keep on track with course work. The key to making it through beauty school is having a good attendance record. Those who miss classes will fall behind. As cosmetology classes are hands on, it can be very difficult to catch up. This is especially true if the rest of the class has moved on to another part of the coursework. Students who are constantly present in class will also be able to develop relationships with their tutors and peers. This will make it easier to ask for help if it is needed.