This page provides information for Connecticut license requirements including how to apply for a new license, renew an existing one, reactivate an expired license and Connecticut license reciprocity for when you need to transfer a license to this state or out of state. If available, we provide other useful information such as cosmetology school hours requirements, how to apply for additional license for professions like manicurists, nail technicians, instructors etc. If you did not find the answer you were looking for on this page or if you have questions or issues pertaining to cosmetology, then we recommend you contact the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

Connecticut Cosmetology License Verification

If you need to verify a license for a salon or person, then you can do so by visiting the Connecticut Board of Cosmetology license verification website. From there you can search for the person or business and see if there are any disciplinary actions on record. This will allow you to make an informed decision about the person and or business providing your service.

Please note, their office does not meet with visitors who do not have a scheduled appointment. A drop-box is available at the 1st floor security desk at 410 Capitol Avenue should individuals wish to submit applications, fees or any other documents. It is strongly recommended that all documentation be submitted via U.S. Mail, fax or email. Cash is not accepted.

410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13PHO
P. O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Phone: 860-509-7603 - Menu Option 6
Fax: 860-509-8457

Please note, their office does not meet with visitors who do not have a scheduled appointment. A drop-box is available at the 1st floor security desk at 410 Capitol Avenue should individuals wish to submit applications, fees or any other documents. It is strongly recommended that all documentation be submitted via U.S. Mail, fax or email. Cash is not accepted.

410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13PHO
P. O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Phone: 860-509-7603 - Menu Option 6
Fax: 860-509-8457

Esthetician Licensure Requirements

Connecticut General Statutes, no Connecticut license is required of individuals performing facials, pedicures, eyebrow arching, shampooing, manicures, or braiding. There is no licensure or certification offered or required for nail technicians or estheticians in Connecticut.

Nail Technician Licensure Requirements

Connecticut General Statutes, no Connecticut license is required of individuals performing facials, pedicures, eyebrow arching, shampooing, manicures, or braiding. There is no licensure or certification offered or required for nail technicians or estheticians in Connecticut.

Barber Licensure Requirements

An applicant for Connecticut barber licensure must meet the following requirements:

Successful completion of at least the 8th grade or its equivalent. Equivalency may be demonstrated by successful completion of General Educational Development Test or one of the following Ability to Benefit Examinations:

  • Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)-Forms 5 and 6, Level A
  • Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)-Forms 7 and 8, Level A
  • Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WSBT) - Verbal Forms VS-1 & 2, Quantitative Forms Qs-1 &QS-2;

Successful completion a course of study of not less than 1,000 hours in a school approved by the Connecticut State Board for Barbers, Hairdressers and Cosmeticians. Education completed outside of Connecticut is acceptable provided the school was approved by the appropriate regulatory body of the state in which the school was located and successful completion of the Connecticut barber examination administered by Prometric. Scores are submitted directly to the Department subsequent to the examination administration. Please visit Prometric to obtain a candidate information bulletin which provides information relative to registering for the examination. The examination is available in both the English and Spanish languages.

Documentation Requirements:

  • Applicants must indicate on their notarized application that they have completed the eighth grade or an equivalent level of education as outlined above
  • Affidavit of Hours Form submitted directly to this office from the barber school
  • Successful completion of the Prometric Licensing Examination. Scores are submitted directly to the Department subsequent to an examination administration. Please visit Prometric to obtain a candidate information bulletin which provides information relative to registering for the examination
  • If applicable, a license verification form from all states in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed, current or expired, forwarded to this office from the appropriate authority in any US State or territory in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed as a barber. Most jurisdictions charge a fee for verification. Be sure to contact the jurisdiction for fee information
  • A complete application with photograph and fee of $100. Applications are only accepted online. To apply online, click here

All supporting documentation should be sent from the source to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health
Barber Licensing
410 Capitol Ave., MS # 12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7603
Fax: 860-707-1930

Barber Licensure for Out-of-State License

An applicant for licensure based on an out-of-state license may qualify for licensure provided the applicant holds a current barber license at the time of application in any other state, the District of Columbia, or in a commonwealth or territory of the US and was issued such license on the basis of successful completion of a program of education and training in hairdressing and cosmetology and successfully completed an examination.

Documentation Requirements:

A license verification form from all states in which the applicant is or has been licensed, current or expired, forwarded to this office from the appropriate authority in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed as a hairdresser/cosmetician. The license verification must document that the applicant was issued a license based on successful completion of a program of education and training and that the applicant was issued the license based on successful completion of an examination. Most jurisdictions charge a fee for verification. Be sure to contact the jurisdiction for fee information. A complete application with photograph and fee of $100. Applications are only accepted online. To apply online, click here.

All supporting documentation should be sent from the source to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health
Barber Licensing
410 Capitol Ave., MS # 12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7603
Fax: 860-707-1930

Reinstatement of a Lapsed Barber License

All applicants for reinstatement of a Connecticut barber license that has lapsed due to non-renewal must submit:

A completed, notarized application with photograph and fee of $100 in the form of a check or money order payable to, Treasurer, State of Connecticut.

A brief description, click here for the required document, of the applicant's professional activities including information regarding work history, continuing education undertaken, and, if applicable, length of time since leaving active practice. Please be sure to mention any barber-related activities.

A License Verification Form from all states in which the applicant is or has been licensed, current or expired, forwarded to this office from the appropriate authority in any US state or territory in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed as a barber. Most jurisdictions charge a fee for verification. Be sure to contact the jurisdiction for fee information.

Applicants who have not actively practiced as a barber within Connecticut or any other state, within the two to eight year period immediately preceding the reinstatement application must, in addition to the requirements outlined above.

Successfully complete either the Prometric Licensing Examination or a refresher curriculum of one hundred thirty-five hours of instruction in an approved school as follows:

Content Theory Hours Clinical Hours
Sanitation & Hygiene 10 10
Chemical Procedures 15 40
Hair Care & Treatment 10 10
Hair Shaping & Styling 10 25
CT State Laws 5 0
Totals 50 85

Applicants who have not actively practiced as a barber within Connecticut or any other state, within the eight year period immediately preceding the reinstatement application must, in addition to the requirements outlined above, successfully complete the Prometric Licensing Examination and a refresher curriculum of two-hundred forty-five hours of instruction in an approved school as follows:

Content Theory Hours Clinical Hours
Sanitation & Hygiene 10 10
Chemical Procedures 30 80
Hair Care & Treatment 20 20
Hair Shaping & Styling 20 50
CT State Laws 5 0
Totals 85 160

All supporting documentation should be sent from the source to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health
Barber Licensure
410 Capitol Ave., MS # 12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7603
Fax: 860-707-1930

Type Fee
Initial License $100
Reinstatement $100
Renewal $100

Electrologist Licensure Requirements

In order to be eligible for Connecticut electrologist licensure, all applicants must have: 

  • Completed educational preparation in an electrology school approved by the Connecticut Board of Examiners for Electrologists
  • Be a high school graduate or hold a high school equivalency diploma issued by the appropriate state educational authority
  • Successfully complete the following examinations
  • Connecticut Board of Examiners for Electrologists Practical Skills Examination

The applicant must demonstrate skill in using both short wave and galvanic methods of electrolysis. The applicant must bring his/her own model with adequate coarse facial hair, as well as equipment in good working order. Click here for additional information regarding the examination.

IBEC/AEA Examination Registration

Applicants need to register online for the IBEC/AEA Licensure examination with Prometric. To register online, click here. The examination fee will be paid online directly to Prometric during registration. Please do not submit your Connecticut license application until such time as you are registered for the examination with the testing service. Applicants will receive an appointment verification from Prometric once registered for the examination.

Please note examination results are not released by the Department via the telephone. Results are not official until received in this office. The Department will mail official results to candidates following routine processing. If you have successfully completed the American Electrolysis Association examination for professional certification as an electrologist, you are not required to complete the IBEC/AEA examination for Connecticut licensure. Please arrange for Prometric to send your official score report directly to this office. If you are requesting special testing accommodations for the examination you need to contact Prometric prior to registering online.

Documentation Requirements: 

An applicant for licensure must arrange for the following documents to be submitted directly to this office from the source:

  • A completed, notarized application with a bank check or money order in the amount of $150, made payable to Treasurer, State of Connecticut
  • An official high school transcript or documentation of equivalency
  • A letter directly from the appropriate authority of an approved school of electrology indicating successful completion of a course of study in electrology including dates of attendance and the number of hours of theory and practical instruction
  • If applicable, official verification sent directly from each state in which a license is or has ever been held. Please contact the state prior to submitting the request form as many states charge a fee for this service
  • Verification of successful completion of the IBEC/AEA examination submitted directly from the testing service

All supporting documents must be sent directly from the prime source to:

Department of Public Health
Electrologist Licensure
410 Capitol Ave., MS# 12APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7603
Fax: 860-707-1929

Electrologist Licensure for Out-of-State License

An applicant for reinstatement of a Connecticut license that has lapsed due to non-renewal shall provide the following documentation:

  • A completed, notarized application with photo and fee in the form of a bank check or money order in the amount of $150 payable to, Treasurer, State of Connecticut
  • The applicant's current curriculum vitae (CV) including a synopsis of professional activity since completion of electrology school
  • Verification of any out-of-state licenses held (current or expired) submitted directly to this office from the source. Please contact the state prior to submitting a request as most states charge a fee for completion of the form
  • Verification from the appropriate authority confirming your most recent employment; including dates and an overall evaluation of your ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety. If you are in private practice, a letter from another electrologist with whom you have referred clients. Such letter shall indicate dates of the referral relationship and an evaluation of your ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety
  • Please note that an application from an electrologist who has been out of practice for longer than six months is referred to the Connecticut Board of Examiners for Electrologists for the that body's recommendation regarding the applicant's eligibility for reinstatement. The Board meets quarterly

Please arrange for the required documentation to be submitted directly from the source to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health
Electrologist Licensure
410 Capitol Ave., MS# 12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7603
Fax: 860-707-1929

Type Fee
Initial Application Fee $150
Renewal Application Fee $205
Reinstatement Fee $150

Hairdresser Licensure Requirements

An applicant for Connecticut hairdresser licensure must meet the following requirements:

Have successfully completed at least the 9th grade or its equivalent. Equivalency may be demonstrated by successful completion of General Educational Development Test or one of the following Ability to Benefit Examinations:

  • Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)-Forms 5 and 6, Level A
  • Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)-Forms 7 and 8, Level A
  • Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WSBT) - Verbal Forms VS-1 & 2, Quantitative Forms Qs-1 &QS-2

Successful completion of a course of not less than 1,500 hours of study in a school approved by the Connecticut State Board for Barbers and Hairdressers or in a school teaching hairdressing, cosmetology or barbering under the supervision of the Connecticut State Board of Education. Education completed outside of Connecticut is acceptable provided the school was approved by the appropriate regulatory body of the state in which the school was located.

Documentation Requirements:

  • Applicants must indicate on their application the highest educational grade level completed
  • Affidavit of Hours Form submitted directly to this office from your hairdresser/cosmetology school
  • Successful completion of the Prometric Licensing Examination Scores must be submitted directly to this Department. Please visit Prometric to obtain a Candidate Information Bulletin which provides information relative to registering for the examination
  • If applicable, a license verification from all states in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed, current or expired forwarded to this office from the appropriate authority in any US State or territory in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed as a hairdresser/cosmetician. Most jurisdictions charge a fee for verification. Be sure to contact the jurisdiction for fee information
  • A completed application with photograph and fee of $100. Applications are only accepted online. To apply online, click here

All supporting documentation should be sent from the source to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Ave., MS # 12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7603
Fax: 860-707-1930

Hairdresser Licensure for Out-of-State License

An applicant for licensure based on an out-of-state license may qualify for licensure provided the applicant holds a current hairdresser license at the time of application in any other state, the District of Columbia, or in a commonwealth or territory of the United States and was issued such license on the basis of successful completion of a program of education and training in hairdressing and cosmetology and successfully completed an examination.

Documentation Requirements:

A license verification form from all states in which the applicant is or has been licensed, current or expired, forwarded to this office from the appropriate authority in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed as a hairdresser/cosmetician. The license verification must document that the applicant was issued a license based on successful completion of a program of education and training and that the applicant was issued the license based on successful completion of an examination.

Most jurisdictions charge a fee for verification. Be sure to contact the jurisdiction for fee information. A completed application with photograph and fee of $100. Applications are only accepted online. To apply online, click here.

All supporting documentation should be sent from the source to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Ave., MS # 12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7603
Fax: 860-707-1930

Reinstatement of a Lapsed Hairdresser License

All applicants for reinstatement of a Connecticut hairdresser license that has lapsed due to non-renewal must submit:

  • A completed, notarized application with photograph and fee of $100 in the form of a bank check or money order payable to, Treasurer, State of Connecticut
  • A brief description, click here for the required document, of the applicant's professional activities including information regarding work history, continuing education undertaken, and, if applicable, length of time since leaving active practice. Please be sure to mention any hairdressing-related activities
  • A License Verification Form from all states in which the applicant is or has been licensed, current or expired, forwarded to this office from the appropriate authority in any U.S. state or territory in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed as a hairdresser/cosmetician. Most jurisdictions charge a fee for verification. Be sure to contact the jurisdiction for fee information

Applicants who have not actively practiced as a hairdresser within Connecticut or any other state, within the two  to eight year period immediately preceding the reinstatement application must, in addition to the requirements outlined above:

Successfully complete either the Prometric Licensing Examination or a refresher curriculum of one hundred thirty-five hours of instruction in an approved school as follows:

Content Theory Hours Clinical Hours
Sanitation & Hygiene 10 10
Chemical Procedures 15 40
Hair Care & Treatment 10 10
Hair Shaping & Styling 10 25
CT State Laws 5 0
Totals 50 85

Applicants who have not actively practiced as a hairdresser within Connecticut or any other state, within the eight year period immediately preceding the reinstatement application must, in addition to the requirements outlined above successfully complete the Prometric Licensing Examination and a refresher curriculum of two-hundred forty-five hours of instruction in an approved school as follows:

Content Theory Hours Clinical Hours
Sanitation & Hygiene 10 10
Chemical Procedures 30 80
Hair Care & Treatment 20 20
Hair Shaping & Styling 20 50
CT State Laws 5 0
Totals 85 160

All supporting documentation should be sent from the source to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health
Hairdresser Licensure
410 Capitol Ave., MS # 12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7603
Fax: 860-707-1930

Type Fee
Initial Application Fee $100
Renewal Application Fee $100
Reinstatement Fee $100

Hair Salons and Barber Shops

The Connecticut Department of Public Health is not responsible for regulating salons and barbershops. Persons seeking permits to operate a salon or barbershop should contact their local health department. The Department does have jurisdiction over licensed hairdressers. Each hairdressing shop, store or place shall be under the management of a registered hairdresser and cosmetician.

No person, other than a person operating a hairdressing shop on May 17, 1982, may operate any hairdressing shop unless such person has been licensed as a registered hairdresser and cosmetician for not less than two years. No person, other than a person operating a barber shop on May 17, 1982, may operate any barber shop unless such person has been licensed as a registered barber for not less than two years.

Tattoo Technician Licensure Requirements

Each person seeking licensure must document to the Department's satisfaction that the applicant:

  • Is eighteen years of age or older
  • Has successfully completed, within the three years prior to submitting an application, a course on prevention of disease transmission and blood-borne pathogens that complies with the standards adopted by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as described in 29 CFR 1910. 1030 et seq., as amended from time to time, and that requires the successful completion of a proficiency examination as part of such course
  • Holds current certification by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association in basic first aid
  • Form verifying completion of two thousand (2,000) hours of practical training and experience under the personal supervision and instruction of a tattoo technician or
  • Form verifying five years of continuous practice of tattooing in this state prior to January 1, 2015

Please be advised that training hours completed after January 1, 2015 will only be credited if the supervisor was licensed during the period of training.

Application Instructions:

Applications are only being accepted online. Paper applications will not be accepted. To apply online, click here.

Please note that as part of the application process, you will be asked to upload an appropriate, recent photo of yourself, a copy of verification that you completed the blood borne pathogens course as outlined above, and verification of basic first aid certification by either the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. Please make sure you have these documents on the device you are using to submit your application.

If you do not have the blood borne pathogens or basic first aid documentation in an electronic format, you may fax the documents to 860-707-1931. Please do not submit photographs via facsimile. If you are or have ever been licensed, certified or registered in any other state, please arrange for written verification to be submitted directly to this office. Most states charge a fee for this service. Please be sure to contact the state to determine fee information. The verification should be submitted directly to:

Department of Public Health
Tattoo Technician Licensure
410 Capitol Ave., MS# 12APP
PO Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134

Tattoo Technician Licensure for Out-of-State License

A Connecticut tattoo technician license may be issued to an applicant who is licensed at the time of application as a tattoo technician in another state of the US, the District of Columbia or a commonwealth or territory subject to the laws of the US and who submits:

  • A current license in good standing to practice tattooing from such other state, commonwealth or territory
  • Documentation of licensed practice in such other state, commonwealth or territory for a period of at least two years immediately preceding application
  • Documentation of successful completion of a course on prevention of disease transmission and blood-borne pathogens that complies with the standards adopted by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as described in 29 CFR 1910.1030 et seq and
  • Current certification by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association in basic first aid

Documentation Requirements

  • Applications are only being accepted online. Paper applications will not be accepted. To apply online, click here.
  • Written verification of licensure submitted directly from the other state
  • Completed verification form documenting two years of practice as a tattoo technician in the other state and
  • Documentation of completion of the blood borne pathogens course and basic first aid certification by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association

Tattoo Technician License Renewal

Licenses must be renewed once every two years. A licensee applying for license renewal shall successfully complete a course on prevention of disease transmission and blood-borne pathogens that complies with the standards adopted by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as described in 29 CFR 1910. 1030 et seq., as amended from time to time, and that requires the successful completion of a proficiency examination as part of such course.

Each licensee applying for license renewal shall sign a statement attesting that the licensee has successfully completed such education course within the six months preceding the expiration of the license. Each licensee shall retain certificates of completion that demonstrate compliance with the requirement for a minimum of four years after the year in which the course was completed and shall submit such certificates to the department for inspection not later than forty-five days after a request by the department for such certificates.

Type Fee

Initial License





$200 (Biennial)